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Headache and Migraine

Headache and Migraine Treatment

Headaches (headaches and migraines) are one of the most frequent neurological disorders in the general population, it is estimated that 50% of the general population suffered a headache during the last year, but 90% will suffer from it throughout his life.

Epidemiological data calculate that tension headache is one of the most prevalent with 78% against any other type of headache. On the other hand, migraine only presents 16% of the population with headache. Between the two previous types are presented as more frequent than rheumatoid arthritis, asthma or diabetes. They affect more women than men in a 3 to 1 ratio, for which there are no genetic reasons.

The most important part is based on the correct diagnosis since most headaches or migraines can be treated effectively by pharmacology or physiotherapy. Provided that an adequate intervention protocol is established, based on a correct diagnosis.

The diagnosis is established according to the international classification of headaches, if you want to know it click International Headache Society

Tensional Headache

Tension headache is the most frequent, within which we can find several subtypes depending on the characteristics of the patient.

Within the underlying mechanisms that explain tension-type headache, we find peripheral involvement with a direct involvement of the pericranial musculature and central sensitization processes. These two processes give rise to frequent and infrequent episodic tension headache.

The increase in pericranial sensitivity recorded by manual palpation of the musculature is the most significant abnormal finding in patients with tension-type headache.

Finally, it is important to bear in mind that sensitivity is present between attacks, increases even more during the actual headache and increases with the intensity and frequency of the headaches.


In general, tension-type headache are episodes of variable frequency of headache, bilateral of insistent quality or mild to moderate intensity pressure that can last from minutes to days. The pain does not worsen with routine physical activity and is not associated with nausea, photophobia or sonophobia, but it may be present to force the joint further and if not prepared to damage it, but in closure the occlusion protects the joint and makes it impossible to force more.


Migraine is a very specific diagnosis of headache, it has a low incidence rate compared to tension-type headache, but it was ranked as the third most prevalent disorder and the seventh highest cause of specific disability in 2010. the world.

The family history of migraine is one of the most powerful and consistent risk factors to suffer it. Studies of twins suggest that the underlying genetic factors are approximately one third of the migraine family cluster.

The common forms of migraine, with or without aura, are complex genetic disorders of multiple genetic polymorphisms that determine a "migraine threshold".

The diagnosis is established according to the international classification of headaches, if you want to know it click here


Migraine is characterized by a pain located in the head unilaterally of pulsatile quality of moderate or severe intensity and is aggravated by low intensity physical activity such as walking or climbing stairs, during attacks should suffer at least nausea and / or vomiting and may also suffer from photophobia or sonophobia.

Within the diagnosis of migraine there are several types, which are classified according to the frequency of appearance, the symptomatology or the physiopathology.

The pharmacological treatment by choice is the TRIPTANES that have proven to be the most effective in the acute treatment of migraine. The best thing in this case is to consult with your neurologist.


The treatment that can be performed by physiotherapy is very broad, because as mentioned above, patients with migraine have a pericranial sensitivity in the muscles of the head and neck. Very low thresholds of pain are found at pressure on the cervical and mandibular muscles.

That is why, in addition, in direct association with the headache we find dysfunctions in the cranio-cervical musculature, which can be approached with various treatments: manual therapy, dry puncture and therapeutic exercise for the reeducation of the musculature.


Tratamiento Mandibular

Tratamiento de la alteraciones mandibulares que cursan con dolor o dificultad para el movimiento (incapacidad para abrir la boca).

Neuralgias del Trigémino

Tratamiento especializado de todo tipo de neuralgias: Glosofaringea, Trigeminal, de Arnold (occipital mayor)

Tratamiento de Columna Cervical

Tratamientos de columna cervical, que en general esta relacionada con la mayoria de los procesos dolorosos de cabeza, boca y cuello.

Fisioterapia en Cirugía Maxilofacial

Tratamientos pre y post-quirúrgicos en cirugía maxilofacial, lo que nos ayuda a disminuir los plazos y las consecuencias de la intervención.

Terapia Manual

Terapia manual sobre el complejo cráneo-cervico-mandibular que devuelva un movimiento normal a la zona para tratar de disminuir el dolor y restablecer el correcto funcionamiento.

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