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Manual therapy


Manual therapy on the cranio-cervical complex is the first treatment strategy for any pathology or problem that occurs on the head and neck segment.

Currently receives scientific support for the treatment of any of the pathologies that frequently occur associated with craniomandibular dysfunction. Headaches of myofascial (muscular) or joint components, such as cervicogenic headache or tension-type headache, require manual treatment of the bone and muscle structures associated with this pain.

How can physiotherapy help with orofacial pain?

Among the therapeutic strategies that physiotherapy can offer to patients with cranial-cervical-mandibular pain, and on which we have been able to find evidence of positive results to date, the interventions of manual therapy on TMJ, its musculature and on the cervical spine, the therapeutic exercise centered on the same structures, and the invasive techniques for the treatment of myofascial trigger points as well as the dry puncture for pain management (List & Axelsson, 2010).

How long is the treatment?

There is no consensual guideline for the manual treatment of ATM, as this can vary greatly depending on the patient's condition. We can offer an orientation framework according to the patient's symptoms.

If there is a lot of pain and dysfunction, the sessions may be closer, but always giving space to the recovery and assimilation by the patient's systems, of all the changes that we are introducing at a physiological and / or mechanical level. Thus, under these circumstances, sessions on alternate days may be a good option, entrusting the patient with measures to be taken at home for the days between sessions. If there is no pain, but there is limitation or alteration of the function, the therapy will most likely be based on self-administered kinesitherapy, with the support of the physiotherapist in a timely manner, at least once every 7 days. In patients with little limitation, the sessions can be spaced several weeks, but will increase the workload at home, and in those who have been symptomatic as a result of a TTM, but have evolved satisfactorily, a review every 2 to 4 months is sufficient to assess their condition and adjust home therapy if necessary.


Tratamiento Mandibular

Tratamiento de la alteraciones mandibulares que cursan con dolor o dificultad para el movimiento (incapacidad para abrir la boca).

Neuralgias del Trigémino

Tratamiento especializado de todo tipo de neuralgias: Glosofaringea, Trigeminal, de Arnold (occipital mayor)

Tratamiento de Columna Cervical

Tratamientos de columna cervical, que en general esta relacionada con la mayoria de los procesos dolorosos de cabeza, boca y cuello.

Fisioterapia en Cirugía Maxilofacial

Tratamientos pre y post-quirúrgicos en cirugía maxilofacial, lo que nos ayuda a disminuir los plazos y las consecuencias de la intervención.

Tratamiento de Cefaleas y Migrañas

Tratamiento específico de cefaleas y migrañas, basados en un correcto diagnóstico basado en las guías clínicas actuales de la International Headache Society.

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